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Contact Us

Administration Office
1090 Troxel Road
Lansdale, PA 19446

Phone: (215) 368-7602 Fax: (215) 368-7650


Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Telephone & Email Directory

Name Title Telephone
David Kraynik
Township Manager 215 368-7602, ext. 1201
Colleen Ehrle
Director of Administration (215) 368-7602

Pennsylvania's Right To Know Law - Effective January 1, 2009

A written request for access to records may be submitted in person, by mail, by facsimile or email. A written request shall be addressed to Open Records Officer. A written request should identify or describe the records sought with sufficient specificity to enable the Open Records Officer to ascertain which records are being requested and shall include the name and address to which the Open Records Officer should address its response. A written request need not include any explanation of the requester's reason for requesting or intended use of the records.

Contact Information

Towamencin Township
1090 Troxel Road
Lansdale, PA 19446

Phone: (215) 368-7602 Fax: (215) 368-7650

Telephone & Email Directory

Name Title Telephone
Colleen Ehrle
Open Records Officer (215) 368-7602

Should you wish to receive copies or review information that is not available on the website, please fill out a Right-to-Know Request form and return it to the Township Building.

Holiday List

New Year’s Day (observed) January 1 Monday
Martin Luther King Day January 20 Monday
President’s Day February 17 Monday
Good Friday April 18 Friday
Memorial Day May 26 Monday
Independence Day July 4 Thursday
Labor Day September 1 Monday
Veteran’s Day November 11 Monday
Thanksgiving November 27 & 28 Thursday/Friday
Christmas Eve (half day) December 24 Tuesday
Christmas December 25 Wednesday
New Year's Eve (half day) December 31 Tuesday

Consultants & Other Contacts

Name Title Telephone
Robert J. Iannozzi Jr.
Solicitor 215 661-0400
Mary Stover
Township Civil Engineer (CKS Engineers)
Chad Dixon
Township Traffic Engineer (McMahon Associates)
Bill Dingman
Township Sanitary Sewer Engineer (Gilmore & Associates)
Keystone Municipal Services, Inc.
Building Code Official
David Kraynik
215 368-7602, ext. 1201