Public Works

Telephone & Email Directory
Name | Title | Telephone |
Dave Hillmantel
Director of Public Works | (215) 368-7602 |
The Towamencin Township Public Works Department strives at keeping township roads and parks safe and accessible. They perform a diverse range of duties throughout the township. They are responsible for maintaining 76 miles of roadway, 300 acres of open space, 9 parks, and the general maintenance of police vehicles, township vehicles, equipment and properties.
The Township periodically cleans out ditches, grades shoulders, and trims trees along the roadway in front of your home. All of the work is done within the township right-of-way. Please drive slowly and pay attention to the flagmen and signs when driving through work zones. The Public Works Department functions under the direct management of the Public Works Director, David Hillmantel.
2025 Road Paving Program
Bid documents are being prepared for a contract associated with the Township’s annual repaving program. This year there are 12 roads scheduled for milling and paving. Bids are expected to be released in the spring with paving scheduled during the summer months to reduce conflicts with traffic and school buses. The curb ramps for these roads were upgraded in 2024. Roads scheduled for 2025 paving include: Mark Drive, Steven Lane, Oxford Road, Donna Place, Lisa Lane, Michael Way, Tyler Way, Detwiler Road, Gehman Road, Susan Drive, Tennis Way and Old Morris Road.
Road Improvement Program – Curb and Driveway Apron Replacement
In June 2020, Towamencin Township Board of Supervisors approved a program to replace deteriorated curbs and driveway aprons as part of the annual Road Improvement Program. This was done in conjunction with Towamencin Township Ordinance Chapter 133-Streets, Curbs and Sidewalks section 133-30 - Repair and Replacement as well as Stormwater Ordinance section 132-13.C.19. Per the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code, the cost of concrete curb, sidewalk and driveway apron replacement is the responsibility of the property owner.
The Township Engineer has inspected the curbs and driveway aprons along roads scheduled for road paving in 2026. Using specific criteria, deficient concrete has been marked with white paint. If your curbs and/or driveway apron is marked with white paint, they require replacement. Towamencin Township requires that all marked curb and driveway aprons must be replaced by July 31, 2025.
Stormwater Maintenance
By practicing healthy household habits, homeowners can keep common pollutants like pesticides, pet waste, grass clippings, and automotive fluids off the ground and out of storm water. Adopt healthy household habits. For more information click here.
Sanitary Sewer
Property owners are responsible for the integrity of internal plumbing and lateral pipes on their property. Sewer lines can become blocked due to roots, grease buildup or debris in the pipes. When this occurs, wastewater flow is blocked and may backup towards the first possible outlet. Trees can also be a big problem for sanitary sewer lines.
- 309 Connector
- Montgomery County Transportation Management
- Pennsylvania Department of Transportation - PennDOT
Pothole Repair
To report potholes on local roads, please call the Towamencin Township Administration Office at 215-368-7602 or email us using the contact form.
To report potholes on State Roads please call PennDOT Pothole Repair at 1-800-FIX-ROAD
The following are State Roads:
- Allentown Road
- Bridge Road
- Bustard Road
- Forty Foot Road
- Old Forty Foot Road
- Orvilla Road
- Troxel Road
- Valley Forge Road
- Sumneytown Pike (west of Forty Foot Road)
- Wambold Road
- Welsh Road
To report potholes on Montgomery County Roads please call Montgomery County, Pa Department of Road and Bridges at 610-278-3613.
The following is a Montgomery County Road:
- Sumneytown Pike (from Valley Forge Road to Forty Foot Road)
Snow Removal/Reminders
Each winter, the Township prepares for winter storms. Below are snow reminders that all residents and business should know during a winter storm. The Township greatly appreciates you patience and cooperation during winter storms.
- Plowing of snow from your driveway/sidewalks into the roadway is prohibited by Township Ordinance and may result in a fine.
- It is unlawful to throw, shovel or plow snow into any roadways within the township from adjoining property.
- Remove all vehicles, trash receptacles, sport equipment and any other items from the roadways.
- Parking vehicles on roads posted as Snow Emergency Routes is prohibited and subject to citation and towing.
- Unobstructed roadways allows our Public Works Department to properly plow all Township roads from curb to curb.
- Secure items from high winds.
- Remind private contractors clearing your driveway of the Township Ordinance.
- To avoid being plowed in, shovel snow to the right of your driveway (as you are facing the road).
- Check on the elderly and frail in your neighborhood. If you know someone who needs assistance, we encourage you to help them, this includes helping them shovel snow.
- Fire Hydrants save lives and property in your neighborhood. The Township and Fire Company appreciates resident assistance in helping to keep fire hydrants clear of snow.
- Snow Emergency Routes are defined by the Township. See the list below.
- Snow removal operations can damage mailboxes that are not properly secure or placed in accordance with USPS guidelines. See below for USPS mailbox guidelines.
- USPS requests the public keep mailboxes, steps, sidewalks and overhangs clear of snow and ice.
If you have any questions for the Public Works Department please contact the Administration office at 215-368-7602 or email us at
Snow Emergency Routes
Dean Drive Candlewood Way Norwyck Way |
Entire Length Entire Length Entire Length |
East Side Both Both |
Specht Place | Entire length | East Side |
Village Way | Entire length | South Side |
Morgan Way | Entire length | West Side |
Boone Way | Entire length | West Side |
Yeakel Way | Entire length | North Side |
Morris Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Kriebel Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Anders Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Old Morris Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Liberty Bell Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Green Land Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Detwiler Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Quarry Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Keeler Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Snyder Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Weikel Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Woodlawn Road | Entire length | Both Sides |
Oak Blvd. | Entire length | Both Sides |
Boyd Avenue | Entire length | Both Sides |
Columbia Avenue | Entire length | Both Sides |
Grist Mill Drive | Entire length | Both Sides |
USPS mailbox guidelines
For complete USPS mailbox guidelines, click here.
Where to Place the Mailbox
- Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when placing your mailbox:
- Position your mailbox 41″ to 45″ from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry.
- Place your mailbox 6″ to 8″ back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance.
- Put your house or apartment number on the mailbox.
- If your mailbox is on a different street from your house or apartment, put your full street address on the box.
Installing the Mailbox Post
The best mailbox supports are stable but bend or fall away if a car hits them. The Federal Highway Administration recommends:
- A 4″ x 4″ wooden support or a 2″-diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe.
- Avoid unyielding and potentially dangerous supports, like heavy metal pipes, concrete posts, and farm equipment (e.g., milk cans filled with concrete).
- Bury your post no more than 24″ deep.