Newly Established Police Chaplain Program Adds First Chaplains
Towamencin’s Police Department recently established a Volunteer Police Chaplain Program with the purpose of providing spiritual and emotional support to all members of the police department, their families, and members of the public. The program will be a non-denominational ministry provided by volunteer clergy without financial compensation. On Wednesday, July 27, Chaplains Reverend Zachary Hopple and Reverend Serena Sellers were sworn in at the Board of Supervisors meeting. Chief Troxel shared this program was a long time coming and was one of his wellness initiatives planned for the department - a Chaplain program that supports mental and spiritual well-being. Chief Troxel shared the department’s process of launching the program and is happy to have Reverend Zachary Hopple and Reverend Serena Sellers sworn in as the first two Towamencin Chaplains. Reverend Zachary Hopple and Reverend Serena Sellers both expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Towamencin Community in these new roles. Chairman Wilson thanked both Chaplains for stepping forward to serve.
Reverend Zachary Hopple started his pastoral career 12 years ago in the Shamokin area. As an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Zachary was appointed in 2020 as the senior pastor of Christ United Methodist Church, located on Valley Forge Road in Towamencin Township. Zachary graduated from Keystone College with a Bachelor's of Science in Social Science with a minor in Psychology and from Evangelical Theological Seminary with a Master's of Divinity. Over the past four years, Zachary has been working with the Environmental Protection Agency to bring programs and training opportunities to local churches to help them become more environmentally aware and energy efficient.
Rev. Zachary Hopple being sworn in by Chairman Wilson
Reverend Serena Sellers earned her bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication and Rhetoric with a minor in Psychology from Syracuse University and received her master’s degree in theology from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Reverend Sellers came to our area in 2003, when she took an interim senior pastor’s position at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lansdale. She then spent several years as an assistant to the Bishop for the Southeast Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, before becoming Pastor of the Peace-Tohickon Lutheran Church in Perkasie. Serena was then called to become Pastor of the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, located on Mainland Road in Towamencin, where she has been since 2016. In addition to being the Pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, Reverend Sellers is also the Dean of the Upper Bucks Conference for the Southeast Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
Rev. Serena Sellers being sworn in by Chairman Wilson
August 10th Board of Supervisors Meeting Cancelled
Next week’s Board of Supervisors Meeting has been cancelled as there is no official business to review. The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, August 24th at 7 pm.
Road Paving Work Starting Next Tuesday - August 9
The 2022 road paving program will start this coming Tuesday, August 9th. Milling is scheduled for August 9th, 10th and 11th, weather permitting, with paving work to follow on August 15th. The contractor noted their schedule will be 7 am to 5 pm, working Monday through Thursday (next week Tuesday – Thursday), and Fridays in the event of a rain out during the week. Updates to schedule will be posted accordingly.
The contractor is in the process of posting the affected roads with no-parking notices; roads include: Ridgewood Way, Rittenhouse Road, Saratoga Lane, Linden Way, Farm Way, Hackney Way, Tanglewood Way, Tweed Way, Clemens Road.
High Noon Concert - this Wednesday, August 10th at 7pm
Our rescheduled concert with High Noon is set for Wednesday, August 10th at 7 pm at Fischer's Park. Bring a chair and settle in for a night of classic southern rock hits.
Fischer’s Park address - 2225 Bustard Road, Lansdale, PA 19446
Towamencin Police Department - Back to School Supply Drive
Our officers and staff of the Towamencin Township Police Department are collecting school supply donations up until Wednesday August 24, 2022. A donation bin will be in the police department lobby 24/7. A detailed school supply lists can be found below. Your donations will benefit the following North Penn School District elementary schools in Towamencin Township: Inglewood, Walton Farm, and General Nash. The Police Department is located at 1090 Troxel Road, Lansdale, PA.
A Call for Towamencin Day Vendors - October 8th
We are currently seeking food and business vendors for our rescheduled community day on Saturday, October 8th. It is an opportunity for local businesses and organizations to increase awareness and connect with the community.
If you or anyone you know is interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out or share. For questions, please email or click link to register.