Board of Supervisors – June 14th Meeting

The Board of Supervisors will meet tonight at 7 pm. This meeting will be held in the Meeting Hall of the Municipal Complex, located at 1090 Troxel Road, Lansdale. These meetings are streamed online via Zoom, for residents unable to attend in person, but wish to watch and/or hear the meeting.  Public comments may be submitted in advance for those who can not physically attend the meetings or made in person. For those unable to attend in person, submit your public comment to until 4:30 pm the day of the meeting and your comment will be read at the beginning of the meeting.

Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 847 4487 0525
Passcode: 20230614
Dial by your location:  267 831-0333

Kriebel Road Trail I Dedication Ceremony

On May 25th, the Township held a dedication ceremony for the Kriebel Road Trail by the trail’s entrance at Kriebel and Trumbauer Roads. Township staff, committee members, and project consultants were in attendance. Township Manager David Kraynik thanked the project consultants managing the project and staff involved. Chairman Chuck Wilson expressed his delight in the trail finally being realized as the project’s planning has gone back several years.  He thanked the work of the previous and the current Township Manager, along with the work and efforts of the Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee, notably Joe Meehan, the Committee Chair. Mr. Meehan provided background on the project, and an update on the advancement of additional phases to the trail. The pedestrian/bicycle trail runs from behind the cul-de-sac of Valley View Way to Trumbauer Road and was funded with a PennDOT Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Grant for $846,000.

Phase II of the project - stretching from Kriebel Road, from the powerline crossing to the Green Lane Park ballfields - is underway and completion is expected this summer. In May, the Township applied for grant funding (DCED’s Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program) to extend the next and final leg of the trail from the Green Lane Park ballfields to Fischer’s Park. We are excited residents are now able to enjoy this new addition to our trail system.

Pictured from right to left: Richard Costlow, Chairman Wilson, Nancy Becker, Jett Voicheck, Joe Meehan, Michael Main, Matt Chartrand, David Kraynik and Katie Cleary

Township/County Taxes and Sewer Bill -  June 30th Deadline

Reminder - If you have not paid your sewer or Township tax bills this year, be sure to do so by June 30 to avoid assessed late fees. If you have questions about your bill, contact the Township at 215-368-5357.  We accept payments in person until 4:30 pm daily; after hours please use the payment drop-box outside, in front of the Administration Building. If using the drop-box, place your payment within an envelope and include a self-addressed stamped envelope for requested receipts.

North Penn School District tax bills will be mailed on July 1st.

Sidewalk & Trail Connectivity Study - Next Public Meeting, June 22

The Township's Sidewalk + Trail Connectivity Study continues to advance. In late April, the Township received a draft report from our planning consultant Simone Collins. The draft report includes extensive inventory and analysis of existing conditions with various maps and mapping tools, along with recommendations, priorities, and potential funding sources for future implementation. The Connectivity Study Draft Report can be accessed here

The goal of the study is to analyze existing pedestrian connectivity in the Township and propose pedestrian facility improvements to increase safety for residents and visitors. The next public meeting will be June 22 at 7 pm, at the Township's Meeting Hall Building - 1090 Troxel Road, Lansdale, PA 19446.  The Township website has a dedicated page to access associated study and meeting materials to date. See link

StandGuard Aquatics Pool Update

The pool will officially open for the season daily starting Thursday, June 15th.

Official Start of the Season:
The pool will be open Monday through Sunday for the rest of the season, weather permitting. Adult Lap Swimming will start on June 15th at 11 am on weekdays. This is free to all adult members. Water walking is permitted. The competition pool is where the laps and water walking will take place.

Note: The pool will close @ 4:00 p.m. on days that there is a Home Swim Meet. There are 2 other swim team related early closing and the dates and times are noted: The dates and times can be found below:

Swim Meet Schedule:
Monday: 6/19 Time Trials (Pool will close @ 5:30 p.m.)
Thursday: 6/22 Fanny Chapman @ Towamencin (4:00 p.m. Closing)
Thursday: 6/29 Lansdale @ Towamencin (4:00 p.m. Closing)
Thursday: 7/6 Pennridge @ Towamencin (4:00 p.m. Closing)
Monday: 7/24 “C” Champs (Note Pool will Close @ 3:00 p.m. on this day)
Weather Closures: If the weather is poor, then the Towamencin pool will do the following:
1) If the weather is going to be completely poor for the entire day, then the pool will not open at all.
2) An email blast will be sent out in the late morning explaining the details of the opening/closure of the pool for that day.
3) If the weather is poor for the 1st half of the day, then the pool may re-open @ 4:00 p.m. or before. An email blast will come out explaining the details.

Movie in the Park: Puss in Boots - Tuesday, June 20th

Bring your blankets and lounge chairs out to Fischer's Park and enjoy a concert featuring Lolly Hopwood then a movie under the stars! The event is free to all. 

Concessions: Kona Ice and Weber’s Backyard BBQ
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: Fischer's Park - 2225 Bustard Road

Don’t Call Me Francis Concert - Thursday, June 22nd   

Concessions: Scratch Kitchen will start at 6 pm
Concert Start Time: 7 pm
Where: Fischer's Park - 2225 Bustard Road

AM Radio Tribute Band Concert - Thursday, June 29th

Concessions: Scratch Kitchen will start at 6 pm
Concert Start Time: 7 pm
Where: Fischer's Park - 2225 Bustard Road

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