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Board of Supervisors

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Board of Supervisors Work Session
April 9, 20257:00 PM

Towamencin Township Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is a five member Board whose members are elected at large by the residents of Towamencin Township. The Board of Supervisors are charged with the general governance of the Township and the execution of legislative, executive and administrative powers, in order to ensure sound fiscal management and to secure the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township. The duties of the Board are more fully defined under Section 607 of the Second Class Township Code, which can be linked from this website. The Board meets twice monthly to review all issues before the Township and provide policy direction to the appointed staff.

Elected Board Members

  • H. Charles Wilson, III, Chairman (term expires 12/31/25)  email:
  • Vacant, Vice Chair (term expires 12/31/25) 
  • Joyce F. Snyder, Secretary (term expires 12/31/27) email:
  • Kristin Warner, Treasurer (term expires 12/31/27) email:
  • Kofi Osei, Asst. Secretary/Asst. Treasurer (term expires 12/31/29) email:

The Board of Supervisors meets on the second Wednesday (Work Session) and fourth Wednesday (Monthly Meeting) of each month. All meetings are conducted at the Township Building, at 1090 Troxel Road, Lansdale, PA 19446.

Please direct all Board of Supervisors correspondence to:

[member name], Towamencin Township Supervisor
1090 Troxel Road
Lansdale, PA 19446